DOOM key commands 12/16/1993 These key commands work on v1.0 and v1.1 of the demo. At this time, they haven't been checked on the registered version. This list of key commands is more extensive than DOOMCH.ZIP or DOOMKY.TXT, found elsewhere in LIBrary 7 of GAMERS here on Compuserve. I would be remiss if I didn't mention that the info came from and on the Internet. PLEASE, if you want to "do it on your own" through the game, do not read this file - the commands here can ruin any challange to the game if you don't have the willpower to not use them. You've been warned :) The key commands fall into two parts: commands entered at the DOS prompt as part of starting up DOOM, and keys that are typed once you are in the game. First, the command line options: COMMAND LINE OPTIONS Command line options are typed at the DOS prompt, after the word DOOM is entered. Each is seperated by a space, and starts with a hyphen. You should always start with -devparm. -devparm developer's mode. Pressing F1 will do a PCX screen dump. -watch demo mode -playdemo filename.lmp play a pre-recorded demo file (they end in .lmp) -timedemo filename.lmp play a pre-recorded demo file, showing gametics and playtics at end -nodraw used with -playdemo or -timedemo, don't draw any- thing. Demo goes fast -noblt used with -playdemo or -timedemo, don't draw any- thing. -port X use alternate network port X -net X play X node game -drone ? -left ? -right ? -deathmatch ? -wart [1-3] [1-9] warp to Episode X level Y -skill [1-4] skill level (1 = easy, 4 = ultra-violent) -episode ? -warp ? -config filename.ext use alternate config from filename.ext -record filename.lmp record to filename -recordfrom filename.dsg load filename[.dsg], record to filename[.lmp] -loadgame X load DOOMSAVx.DSG -debugfile ? -file ? -nojoy no joystick -nomouse no mouse -nosound no sound -nosfx no sound effects -nomusic no music So, for example, to start doom in episode 1 (the shareware one) at level 4, you would type DOOM -devparm -wart 1 4 But, you might want to get there (with only your pistol, mind you) at the ultraviolent mode, so you'd type DOOM -devparm -wart 1 4 -skill 4 and if you wanted to record your exploits, starting at a saved game, to upload and show to someone else (the recording files apparently record movements, not any graphics, as they are real small), you'd type DOOM -devparm -wart -loadgame doomsav0 -record bubba Loadgame assumes an ending of .DSG on "doomsav0" and -record puts .lmp on the end of the name you give it - "bubba" in this case. RUNTIME KEY COMMANDS Now we come to the key commands that work from within DOOM, while it is running. Note that your keystrokes will not be echoed to the screen, but if done in the correct sequence will work. The end result tells you if it worked. Note that each command starts with the letters 'i' and 'd'.... hmmm, wonder why ;) Most of the reasons for the code letters have to do with 'in' jokes - sorry, I don't recall them, except for the last code listed. F1 Yes, I know this is documented, but it's amazing how many of the players I've talked to don't even know about this ....or that the game has automapping! NOTE: in network play, these keys probably won't work, as pressing the 'i' key seems to be the trigger to send text to player #2. iddqd God mode. Can't be harmed. Check out his face idkfa Full ammo of all types, all weapons (no, you can't use the two highest ones even though they show as being in-stock), 200% armor, no backpack idspispopd No clipping. You can now walk through walls. Unfortunately, I don't know how to turn this off idbehold Followed by S, V, I, R, A, L (caps or not) for various things S = screen turns red (?) V = invincible I = invisible R = screen turns green (?) A = reveal entire map, showing unseen areas in grey. L = light amplification (1 to 5 minutes) idclev Followed by episode number and level number (a warp within game!) idmypos Prints your coordinates in hex. This probably relates to the map grid that'll show up when you press 'G' in the map page. Very handy for giving directions to other people. iddt Use this when in map mode. Press once to see the entire map (unlike idbehold, this doesn't indicate what parts you haven't seen yet). Press again to get an idea where everyone is. idchoppers Prints "Doesn't suck - GM" An in-joke about a program that one of the people had previously worked on. X-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-X Another file downloaded from: The NIRVANAnet(tm) Seven & the Temple of the Screaming Electron Taipan Enigma 510/935-5845 Burn This Flag Zardoz 408/363-9766 realitycheck Poindexter Fortran 510/527-1662 Lies Unlimited Mick Freen 801/278-2699 The New Dork Sublime Biffnix 415/864-DORK The Shrine Rif Raf 206/794-6674 Planet Mirth Simon Jester 510/786-6560 "Raw Data for Raw Nerves" X-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-X