The Champions of Krynn Adventurer's Journal By Archon The Champions of Krynn is protected by manual the manual which consists of the Journal Entries and Taern Tales from the Adventurer's Journal. Since the journal is needed for game play (it gives hints nd conversations as the game goes on), I did not remove the protection and just typed the whole damn thing in. So, here it is! .... JOURNAL ENTRIES Journal Entry 1 "Sir Era! Sir Era! We are ultimately responsible for these people! I don't think that we have te space to accommodate all of these refugees, considering that Vertrothe will soon be back from his uest. May I suggest that we send them on their way? Th e simplest solution would be to shut the caste against them and just pretend they don't exist..." The odious minister to the Knight continues to fawn in the most obsequious manner. His charm an personality have convinced you that ridding the world of this... 'person'... would be beneficial toKrynn. Fortunately, cooler heads prevail and the minis ter is quickly taken from the room. Journal Entry 2 "Listen, I know that you think that Sir Karl is a most honorable Knight; however, I have found ut that he is under the influence of an evil Dragon named Maya. Maya is able to transform herself ino the shape of a beautiful woman. We must forget about finding Caramon at this time. If we can get t the outpost in time we may be able to save it." Journal Entry 3 We were captured by draconians disguised as the merchant band that come through here every mont. When we were sleeping, they killed the guards at the gate and captured us before we had a chance t even fight. "They took our leaders into the barracks and interrogated them. They've all got to be dead now. "Be careful! I saw one of the Draconians kill the commandant. As the Commandant died the draconan's shape changed and then he looked and sounded exactly like the Commandant. The 'Commandant' and the other leaders spend a lot of time in the Commandant's Office." Journal Entry 4 The townspeople come out and thank you after the last of the Dragon Armies are driven from the outpost. They have a large celebration with you as the guest of hoor. The new Commandant speaks, "Thank you for saving us. Your heroic actions will live forever." The people cheer you as you accept the key to the outpost. Journal Entry 5 The gully dwarves scatter at your approach. Disgusting traces of their recent meal permeate eveything in sight. Your camp equipment has been opened and all foodstuffs eaten. You quickly look to he place where you had left the piece of the dragon orb . It is gone! Journal Entry 6 As you walk up to the dying body of the commandant, Grilliard says, "Why did you do this to us?We are now too weak to hold the outpost against Takhisis' forces.: You see a flight of Red Dragons closing in on the town ... Journal Entry 7 "Listen, Sir Karl is the most honorable of men. I would follow him anywhere. But there is someting very dark and strange going on around him. He seems obsessed with a young girl named Maya. The fct that he's about 40 years older than she is isn't rea lly the problem; if they'd just settle down ad declare themselves! All that would happen is that a few gossips will snicker and that'll be the en of it. But they won't do that. Maya is extremely valuable to us. She has sources of information tha are astou nding, especially for one so young. But whenever the two of them are in the same room the ension is so obvious that... "Ah, never mind. You say that he seems to be all right. I will go on that hope, and let trouble find me in their own good time. Let's go." Journal Entry 8 As you work to free the slaves, their shackles seem to come off too easily. Before you can reac, they whip out weapons and prepare to attack. One laughs, "The one you saw die before you was not Sr Karl, it was a Sivak. There are no slaves here, it wa s only a story to lure you to your doom." The begin to close in. Journal Entry 9 She explains to Caramon, "I've been sent by Sir Karl to get you back to the Outpost. There are umors that large forces of draconians, hobgoblins, minotaurs, and others are gathering. We need you o direct scouting and raiding operations. I see now tha t things are worse than we thought. Throtl wa supposed to have been abandoned." Caramon says, "It's even worse than that. I have seen Brass Dragon Eggs!" She gasps, "No! They must not do this again!" Then she pauses, "Wait, how can they do it? I thoght the process was lost during the War of the Lance. Did you see any evidence that they were succesful?" "No," says Caramon, "I was knocked unconscious before I had a chance to look further." He turnsto you. "I need you to investigate this matter. Find they key, and go to the old temple in the Northast part of the city. Find out what you can." Journal Entry 10 "...attempt a conversation without the intervention of Tak... of spells that contains the necessary incantations and rituals for the conversation. Itis said that this book will allow even relatively weak ma... ...nze, silver, and gold were considered the most difficult trans..." Journal Entry 11 You follow Angar into one of the buildings. He yells, "I have a gift for you!" and you are greeed by a Dragon Highlord and a group of his minions. As you start to draw your weapons, you realize tat you have lost a great deal of strength. He must have drugged the food as well. You should never have trusted him... Journal Entry 12 "Welcome to the southern outpost. I am Grilliard, the commandant here. I hear you have importan news for me." You tell him about all of the adventures that you have been on and all of the information that ou have gathered. After you finish you ask him about the missing messenger. He looks a little nervous for a moment and the says, "He has been ill. I am afraid no one can se him right now. Thank you for delivering the information and good luck on your journey back. I'm afaid I have to get back to work." With that, he waves you out of his office. Journal Entry 13 SEE MAP FOR ENTRY 13 Journal Entry 14 "Okey, dokey. Listen up people. Here's how you play. Now I've got three cards here. Two of themare Gargoyles and the third is the Princess. I'm gonna place the cards face down on the table, withthe Princess in the middle. Now, aaall you have to do i s guess where the Princess is after I move th cards around. Easiest thing in the world, right? Its only three cards and I'm sure you won't have ay problem keeping track of the Princess. Simplest thing in the world. Now, who'll place a small wage of saaay, 3 steel pieces?" Journal Entry 15 "Listen," the woman says, "we ... that is, Sir Karl and I ...have determined that it is imperaive that the entire area be evacuated. The number of sightings has increased to an alarming degree. e want you to head into Gargath and force the populatio n to evacuate immediately. Thank goodness thre are no more Draconians. I don't know how we would be able to get out if we had them to contend wih as well." Journal Entry 16 The plan has to be carried out in stages. Stage One, which is already complete, was to threatenvarious small areas to the north and get the good armies to begin a consolidation of their forces. W were fortunate to find a rather hapless party that we were able to use to pass the false informatio to their leaders. It was pure chance that they were sent after Caramon when he was captured in Thrtl. We couldn't have planned better for our purposes. We left clues behind to lead the group to Gargth, Jelek and Neraka. This gave us time to complete our plans for the ambush at Sanction. Journal Entry 17 ...the book of conversion that I found is useless. It doesn't give us the actual ceremony to prform. It is merely a description of the ceremony. I will have to come... Journal Entry 18 Tale of Sir Dargaard: In the past, a faithful Knight of the Rose named Sir Dargaard gained an item which gave him gret fighting prowess. He was a scourge of the evil armies until his entire company was poisoned at a east. The company was buried along with Sir Dargaard's great device in lands later overrun by evil. The evil ones sought to wrest the artifact from the tomb, but were slain by the spirits of SirDargaard and his company. Our scouts now say that draconians have attempted to penetrate the tomb aain, perha ps with sufficient strength to succeed. It is time for a truly noble knight to go and askthat the artifact be passed on to guard the forces of good today. On a side note, you will be happy to know that Caramon has contacted our elite units in Solamni. The Council of Knights themselves will lead them into the coming battles. I will be certain to mntion your impressive record to them when they arrive. Journal Entry 19 The Dragonlance was a stroke of genius. With one small theft we distracted them from the main hreat and forced their attention on the recovery of the weapon. This became Stage Two, since it fitso neatly with our plans. It allowed us to delay the o riginal kidnapping of Sir Karl just long enouh to gather many more bodies for Sir Lebaum to work with. SEE MAP FOR ENTRY 18! Journal Entry 20 The 'Plan' is to be carried out in three stages. Stage one is nearly done. We have managed tokill Caramon and Tanis and have captured or put to flight most of the other 'Heroes' from the Dragonance Wars. The good armies are reduced to sending out hapless adventurers who have little or noexperience. We have managed to feed information to one of those bands with notable success. The inormation is true, but it always comes too late to be of any interest. Journal Entry 21 "Hey, come here. Look at this. This is a piece of the dragon orb that Tasselhoff broke! Just his little piece of the orb will allow you to control the largest dragon! I'll sell it to you for oly 2,000 steel pieces... and it's a bargain at twice th e price! NO, don't touch it with your bare fngers. THe last person who did that woke up with a withered hand! Gruesome. So, what offer have I" Journal Entry 22 "Welcome, I am Jadefang. I have been assigned to capture thisss hole and convinssse you 'Humanss' that you ssstill own it . We did this ssso we could gather information and keep the sssouthern oad open. Sssince you have given usss a lot of usssefu l information, I thank you." He bows gracefully and continues to speak. "However, you also have dissscovered our sssecert and therefore you mussst die." YOu now notice that he is not alone in the barracks. He rises into the air... Journal Entry 23 SEE MAP FOR ENTRY 23! Journal Entry 24 Old ogre's story: "I was once the councillor to the ogre princes, but I have become too weak and crippled to keepmy place. Now I hear of plots against our lord Gravnak, by one of his lieutenants. Draconians hav slipped into the manor house and will strike when the current meeting ends. I watched them enter ad saw the secret sign they gave the guards. I have no love of these assassins or their traitorous ally. Use the sign to enter the manor, sek out the assassins and find evidence implication Morog. He is the traitor. His rooms lie in the outheast of the manor." Journal Entry 25 "When you get to Gargath, beware of anyone who appears to be bending over backward to help you. be especially aware of anyone who mentions Sir Karl. We don't think that they know that we are no ware of their deception. "Be especially careful about any clothing they may want you to wear. There is an evil mage in he town who delights in putting curses on harmless-looking objects. Good luck." Journal Entry 26 "Gargath was overrun about a week ago. There were only a few of us here at that time trying reuild after the War of the Lance. Draconians and evil forces snuck in at night and captured the Keep Since then they have been bringing in prisoners and p utting them to work. They make us wear these ood to keep track of us." Journal Entry 27 "We have had to exhume all of the bodies in the graveyard and burn them. We found out that somone was entering the burial glen, digging up the bodies, and then re-animating them into zombies andghouls. It's been hard, especially for those that rece ntly buried their loved ones, but it was necesary." Journal Entry 28 "I've been kept out of the burial grounds now for a week, I can't even get in there to get my tols. There are strange things going on in graves, broken tombstones, strange noises...ven the animals are gone! That Sir Lebaum is ruining t he town. He even made his office in the buril glen! It's in the building just to the south and west of here but the door is through the graveyad. "That's another strange thing...nobody's ever seen our new leader, at least, nobody that I knowof. He gives his orders and the 'guards' carry them out. "Things just ain't right." Journal Entry 29 Stage Four runs almost instep with Stage Three. As soon as Sir Lebaum has launched his attack,the mass conversion of dragon eggs into draconians will be performed. The good armies will be caugh in our mailed fist! They have no idea that they are a bout to be attacked by two huge armies! The irst of the good armies will be filled with their leaders and the elite of those accursed Knights. hen our armies rise so quickly, we shall cut the very heart of their ability to resist us. With theleaders de ad the rest of the rabble will wander like sheep. Journal Entry 30 Stage two is currently coming to fruition. Sir Lebaum, our Sivak who has taken over the leaderhip of the Knights of the Rose, has sown enough discord in the ranks of the knights to render them ieffective against us. In a few days he will issue the order that will send most of the knights overthe mountains and out of this area altogether. Journal Entry 31 "Watch out for the minister. They say that he has taken over the castle of Sir Era and now run the old knight, as well as the kingdom. The people are being...hush! He's here." Journal Entry 32 Gravnak's alliance plans: "We are both hunting for Myrtani while he seeks our deaths. I have no love for sanctimonious kights and their ilk, but I do love my life. To keep that, I would suggest a temporary alliance. Mytani has a base in Kernen which he visits quite often. If you can slip into town, I have allies whowill help you penetrate the base and kill Myrtani." He then shows you the secret sign to give his allies. Journal Entry 33 "The Dragonlance has been moved to Jelek. After the Keep was overrun I managed to smuggle it ot of town and hide it in the burial glen. It is hidden in an unused tomb in the north-west corner o the grave yard. You will recognize the entrance becau se there is a silver rose bush growing just bfore it." Journal Entry 34 Gravnak and the draconians turn on you. "Fools!" he hisses, "Did you really think a member of y proud race would every ally with the likes of you?" You are attacked from all sides. Journal Entry 35 "I was with a party of knights and others under Caramon that came in here to explore. We havent really found anything. Caramon's already left to report. I guess you must have missed him. "Oh, one thing we did find out was that there is a treasure left over from the previous occupans of Throtl. We got word of it from a hobgoblin who was sneaking in to claim it. Before he died, h told us that it was located in the south-central area of the city. Tell you what, if you help me fnd this treasure, I'll split it with you. All right?" Journal Entry 36 "Thank Paladine you're here. They've taken everything! My poor family, my friends and retainer. Gone." He breads down. After a while he looks up in anguish and says, "There's an Aurak who seems to be in charge. He's had his minions scouring the Keep. He's looing for my dragonlance! He'll never find it. It's hidden. Hidden very well. Nobody can find it. But I'll tell you. Yes. Yes, I'll tell you. You're f rom Caramon? Of course, of course. Look on he sixth story. As you come up the stairs you will see a door directly ahead of you. The wall to te left of that door has a secret door in it. The Dragonlance is in there." He looks around in fear. "Where are they? Where? They were here. I saw them. My little ones Where are they? I must go, I must. I will slip out down the stairs. Goodbye, goodbye. Get the ance!" Journal Entry 37 Stage Three is about to begin. The good armies are marching on sanction, and our friendly 'advnturers' are still trying to figure out how to get the Dragonlance. Sir Lebaum has been working in he arena of Duerghast. He will begin to raise his army of undead as soon as the good armies are in osition. We anticipate that this will take another day or two. I have Blue Dragons stationed at Durghast to guard the eggs and Red Dragons are waiting to give me word when he has finished his prepartions. Wh en I hear from him the final stage will begin. Journal Entry 38 "They're back...back there...who, look out! No, no, no. I stabbed one but it took my sword. couldn't get it out of its body! Caramon!" His eyes clear for a moment and he becomes more lucid. "Listen to me," he says, "they've captued Caramon. Most of our party has been wiped out." He suddenly jerks about. "What's that! Get them! They've got Caramon. Find him. I'll findhim. North, north and west and south. Traps! Back up...go back now. Quiet, quiet, quiet...look ot! Above you! oh no, oh no, oh no..." He gets a sly, slightly mad conspiratorial look on his face. "I saw a money chest in a room tothe east. I'm gonna get it and I'm set." He looks around and leans towards you, "You wanna help? uh, what d'ya say?" The terrorized look comes back. He screams and gasps in terror. Journal Entry 39 The great ship lists to port and seems to pause in silent anticipation. The sailors jump off lke rats. In the distance, a hump of moving water marks the place where the gigantic whale swims awy. Your boat starts rocking as the waves from his blow to the ship finally reach you. The ship finally slips quietly under the waves. The orb fragment--and the Vampire--slide downto their final resting place. Journal Entry 40 The road back to Solace is filled with the refugees of Krynn. Wretched individuals and familie carry what possessions they can on their backs or on small pushcarts and wheelbarrows. They al scan the sky with fear; waiting for the horrific sigh t of dragons flying out of the sun to breath eath onto the miserable line of humanity. The Second Flight of the Dragons has devastated Krynn. Sanction is a smoldering lake of lava. Gargath a pile of melted stone, and Neraka has been blasted into oblivion. Only JElek and Kernan suvive in this part of the continent; and they have becom e enclaves of evil. Jelek has become Sir Lebum's base of operations, where he continues his experiments with the undead. Kernan has been taken ver by Myrtani and his horde of newly created draconians. Journal Entry 41 The prisoner looks at you with agony as another shudder wracks his body. Suddenly, his flesh sems to split and a foul odor permeates the room! You start to gag and cough in the middle of the stnking cloud. The door behind you closes and you hear t he bolt being driven home. You are trapped! Journal Entry 42 The prisoner is extremely weak. He barely croaks out some broken phrases: "...the Castellan is alive. He's being held here on this floor..." " Aurak...silver" He grabs your arms and dies. Journal Entry 43 "They have built up a large, wooden structure in front of the main gates of the Keep. I don't now what it looks like inside. I can tell you that the main gates are in the upper-northwest cornerof the city. In the middle of the city you will find a secret door into the wooden structure. It i currently being guarded by draconians because it's location has been discovered recently." He lick his lips in consternation and suddenly speaks in hushed intensity, "Listen, there's a dragonlance i the Keep. I know, all of them were supposed to be sent South but the Castellan was injured during he War and his lance was brought with him when he returned. You must find it!" Journal Entry 44 "Ah, come on Grag! You know that we're supposed to guard the grave of this guy. The captain'sgonna be mad if he sees us in here. Uh, by the way, can you buy me a drink? I'm a bit short this wek." Journal Entry 45 SEE MAP FOR ENTRY 45! Journal Entry 46 The tree suddenly explodes! The locket is thrown away from the enchanted circle. From the swiling ashes of the explosion an ominous shape slowly rises. Vaguely manlike, it's features are indisinguishable in the thick smoke. Giant Rats and Mobats charge out of the impenetrable dust!" Journal Entry 47 "We've had a lot of unsavory characters passing through town lately. The good armies have leftus in the lurch and we are forced to take the law into our own hands in order to protect the citizens of this town. Here's the official proclamation." "All persons entering Jelek that are unknown to the guards shall be assigned an escort for the uration of their stay in the city. They will be restricted to the public parts of the town. The buial grounds are strictly forbidden to all strangers.' "It's signed by our leader, Sir Lebaum. "So, here's a nice young man who'll show you around the town. "Skyla! Come over here!" He introduces you to a man who looks you over and breaks into a goofy grin. His entire aspectseems dignified enough, until he smiles or begins to talk, then his ancestry is extremely questionabe and you wonder if maybe he hadn't suffered a fall on his head as a child. Journal Entry 48 "Finally, you're here. I got work that Sir Karl was going to send someone to check this place ut. I've been waiting for you for days. Come with me." Journal Entry 49 Sir Karl's dying monologue: "They tortured me to get information, but I gave them nothing. Killed my guards when they camefor em again. Afraid I didn't quite make it all the way out. Things getting dark...Hard to concentrate. There are slaves own there. They must be freed from this evil place... Remember me to Maya..." His breathing stops. Journal Entry 50 Draconians! I have good news. I have managed to attain the volume that we have been searching for all of tese years. The power to create more of our kind is now in my hands. Send me all of your eggs alongwith any mages and clerics that you may have with you. I'll be at the Citadel of Gargath very soon. Have the eggs packed and taken to me within the week. By order of Myrtani. Journal Entry 51 "The worst monsters our scouts have reported anywhere in the area are hobgoblins. Draconians an evil dragons have long since abandoned this area to our forces. Still, be a little wary on your wayto Throtl. Also, be sure to report back here immediately, if anything unusual or dangerous occurs. This oupost depends on information brought back by patrols such as yours. Good luck and may Paladine watch ver you." Journal Entry 52 The weapons and armor of Solamnic Knights and their allies are strewn about the corridor. All o them are bent or broken and quite useless. There is a hole in the ceiling above. It is evident thatthe party was ambushed. There are no bodies. Journal Entry 53 Men discussing a rebellion: "I can't believe that we are letting an Aurak dictate what we have to do. Its not right. We creted them to serve us, not the other way around. At the meeting I'm going to speak in favor of restruturing this alliance. Only their slimy blood will flow. " Journal Entry 54 A large number of human warriors are gathered here. One leaps upon a table and calls out, "Who mong you wishes to overthrow Myrtani?" As hands raise throughout the room, archers slip out from behnd curtains and fire. The man on the table laughs, "Myr tani will be grateful for your identifying yorselves." Journal Entry 55 "They say that there is a Vampire that has been enchanted in that old tree. A very powerful mag trapped him there before the world was changed. The only thing that will release him is a piece of he soul of the mage who trapped him. The mage is long d ead, however. The only know artifact that hadany relationship with him is the Locket of Light. But that disappeared into the west long ago. Journal Entry 56 Sir Karl's last message to Maya: "I realize now that I shouldn't allow our differences to interfere with our feelings. I suppose t my age it takes a while to adjust to new things. Remembering your beauty and bravery has helped mewithstand the tortures they have subjected me to. I now go out to gain my freedom. If I fail, then kow I held you in my thoughts to the end." Journal Entry 57 Red Dragon's Story: "Once when I was young and my scales were sleek and smooth, I was appointed protector of the Crwn Jewels. Beautiful they were, glistening in the torchlight. Many a tasty thief came by to admire tem, but I always kept them safe. Then the city fell an d the jewels were lost. Since then I have soght them everywhere. I am sure they will turn up, so that I can watch their glittering beauty again The crown was the prettiest piece, golden and encrusted with gems. Ah, such a wondrous time." Journal Entry 58 "Hello, and welcome to Jelek! We have recovered so well from the recent war that we are able t provide you with a guide that will bow to your every need. He will direct you to our Inn, where yu can rest in luxurious peace, and point out the exciti ng new businesses that have helped to make Jeek the most dynamic town in all of Krynn." He waves over a tall, handsome young man. "This is Skyla." he says, "He will be your escort fo the duration of your stay in Jelek." Journal Entry 59 "Listen, I've been following you for some time now. That Skyla character is the leader of a fation of guards that has taken over the city. He looks stupid, but don't let that fool you. He know exactly what he looks like, and he knows how to use it to his advantage. "He takes his orders from Sir Lebaum. Lebaum took over about a week ago. It was slow and insiious how he did it. No word got out at all and, initially, there was lots of business for our hops. Everyone was happy. Except that now he's cut of f all contact with the outside. Anyone that omes in here either joins the guards or is killed, as you almost were. "There's another disturbing thing. I've done some digging around and nobody has even seen thisSir Lebaum character. Most people have never even heard of him. There was a Knight of Solamnia of hat name that was corrupted by Takhisis many, many year s ago but legend has it that he died--horribl, they say. "I'd like to get into the graveyard and examine his office. Are you willing to go with me?" Journal Entry 60 Message on body of Prison Lord: It has come to my attention that the bodies we receive here in Sanction from your prisons are i highly deteriorated condition. We realize that information must be gained by torture and that it i a useful way to relax, but I would prefer it if a majo rity of the bones remained uncrushed. I willnot repeat this request. Sir Lebaum Journal Entry 61 I want you to find the adventurers and put them out of our misery. They have served their purpse, now I'm afraid they may find some way to get word to the good armies. Eliminate that threat. Journal Entry 62 Message from assassins. The paper reads: We have contacted a traitor at the renegade ogres' base. We can slip in unobserved and slay therenegade leaders. If we are not successful, beware. Our spy tells us that the renegadesmight try to lly with forces of good. Their knowledge of Kernen make s them dangerous. A rough map is drawn on the back. Sir Karl then speaks, "The Solamnic Cavalry is already on the march. It will not be too long unil these first units have arrived in the area. We must have information on the enemy strengths and waknesses soon. The Solamnic force will be small and an ambush could cause them problems." SEE MAP FOR ENTRY 62! Journal Entry 63 See map Journal Entry 64 WANTED: Soldiers to wage the battle against the Solamnic usurpers of KRYNN. 5 steel pieces whn you sign up and a guaranteed 2 steel pieces a week until the end of the engagement. See the recruting officer at the Southern Sanction Inn for details. Journal Entry 65 Draconians! I'm afraid that the book that we spent so much effort in obtaining has turned out to be even moe important than we thought! Not only are we going to be able to create more Draconians without usig eggs, but it has taught us how to use the dragon orb to make our existiong Draconians even more poerful! The Plan proceeds! Death to Solamnia! Journal Entry 66 The ogres lead you along a twisting corridor. They assure you that the passage is completely uknown. Gravnak whispers for you to be ready. He puplls a lever, but instead of the wall opening, te floor drops out from beneath you. Myrtani appears ne xt to Gravnak and both begin to laugh. JOURNAL ENTRIES 67- Journal Entry 67 "I was with the patrol that followed Caramon in here. We ran into trouble almost immediately. We were not really expecting much opposition but...We were ambushed by a large force of hobgoblins and draconians. I was knocked out by a blow to the head early in the battle. I awokein a dark corner, alone. It took me a while to get my bearings but I finally went out in search of y companions. I overheard from passing patrols that ev erybody except Caramon was killed. You must help me find Caramon. He must not be allowed to fall into the hands of the leaders ofthis band. Journal Entry 68 As the Vampire grasps the piece of orb a deep trembling shakes his being! Blood begins to run rom his eyes and ears as a high keening sound forces your party to hold their heads in anguish. TheVampire is desperately trying to rid himself of the gla ss object. It will not leave his hand! Old imsanks' spell of permanent binding is working! Journal Entry 69 WEARY TRAVELERS! Come to the best accommodations on KRYNN! The SOUTHERN SANCTION INN is open or your business. We are located in the southeast corner of the city. THE DRAGONS CURSE is open for business in the middle of Sanction. We have the best selection o drinks since Istar sank beneath the sea. Non-humans welcome! IF YOU GOT THE MONEY. WE'VE GOT WHAT YOU WANT! While our inventory had been decimated by the ecent war, we are again open and offering the finest in magical items available. As always, if we dn't have it, we will find it, or make it. All we need is time and money. GUSMARKEN'S MAGIC SHOP. ocated in the eastern-central area of the city. We are the first door to the right, heading north fom the inn. THE SHARPEST, MOST DURABLE WEAPONS MONEY CAN BUY! Come to our smithy, located just north of th Southern Sanction Inn, and peruse our fine selection of blades, armor, arrows, darts and anything ese you could possibly need to equip your party. REASONA BLE RATES! SO, YOU THINK YOU'VE EARNED THE RIGHT TO ADVANCE TO THE NEXT LEVEL! Horgathindorn's Training Hll has worked with the best! Come see us in the Northeast Corner and see if you've got what it take! Journal Entry 70 "Listen, I've been following you for some time. You need to get to Jelek as quickly as possibl. There are rumors that Sir Karl is about to attack the town in order to get at the last Dragonlanc that remains in our hands. Once you arrive, a resista nce worker will join your group as an escort. Jelek has become prosperous lately and they are requiring all visitors to be escorted through the twn. The stated reason is to show new visitors around the town, the real reason is to keep an eye onall newcom ers and prevent anyone from getting into the graveyard. Our man's name is Skyla, as soon s you arrive he will be able to join your group and help you find the Dragonlance that the castellanhid." Journal Entry 71 Myrtani is gathering his forces in secret areas around Sanction. We won't be ready for a few weks yet. My minions have started gathering materials for my use. Several graveyards have been lootd already. Many of them have left the open grave sites unfilled. I suppose it can't be helped. Stpidity has always been our most dangerous enemy. Myrtani has found a Dragonlance! I urged him to give it to his strongest warrior but i'm afrad that the draconian doesn't trust anyone who could hold that much power. Foolish. He's going to hde it away somewhere in Sanction. Journal Entry 72 See map! Journal Entry 73 "After the battle I was taken to see a powerful cleric. He laughed at my defeat. They led me o some doors that glowed in the darkness, opened them with a key that he pulled from his robes, and ook me to a dark temple. I saw a bronze dragon egg on the altar! He told em that they were going t start the corruptions again! Then he had his minions beat me. "I woke up here. If it hadn't of been for the treachery of a dark elf, and a sneak attack frombehind, they never would have captured me." He pauses. "I'm sorry for my men." he says, "They had o idea what we were getting into. Krynn's blood, I did n't know either. We were unprepared for the xtent of the evil forces. "The ambush was a complete surprise." Journal Entry 74 Tanis's tale: "I had heard of slaves being taken in the area, so I disguised my self and arranged to be captued. I have just managed to free the slaves here, but more are held to the south. I will organize the slaves here while you free the others. Then we will arrange a diversion to allo the slaves a chance to escape." Journal Entry 75 "I am the only one left from the ambush. I was knocked out early in the combat. By the time Icame to, the enemy was gone. Caramon is dead. I figure that they must have ganged up on him first. His was the only body left behind. You don't want to know what condition they left him in. Evidenly they wanted to leave a warning to anyone who comes after him. It was awful. I laid him out as bst I could and have been working my way out of Throtl. We must get back and warn the Outpost! "I don't understand how they could have known that we were coming. The ambush was obviously wel planned. They knew exactly who was with us and exactly how to counter any attack we could muster. Journal Entry 76 ...friend has many objects of value for sale... ...great frog collection!!!... ...sword that seems to be magical, at least undead creatures are afraid of it... ...many potions for sale... ...information about the incidents of undead and draconian incursions in the area... ...a beautiful daughter... Journal Entry 77 Base Commander's papers. You find: A list of orders authorizing an attack on the knight's outpost. A supply list, consisting mostly of implements of torture signed by someone known as the PrisonLord. The final page is an order to turn all slain prisoners over to a Sir Lebaum. Journal Entry 78 "Now, what do you know about that! They say that a real dragonlance has been found in the hill to the east. It also carries an enchantment that will force any dragon to your will if you but woud the beast." Journal Entry 79 Gravnak's story about the Guardian: "The oldest rulers of Kernen ordered the city's mages to create a deadly guardian for their casle. How they did it no one knows, but the magicians gave this thing to the king. Over the years itbecame unruly and was locked in the vaults below this b uilding. We know of no way to harm it or chae it back to the vaults where it was kept. All we know is that an ancient tome in the library contans a recipe for a salve that will protect the wearer from the guardian's deadly bolts. You must contruct this salve in the alchemist's study before you can succeed in passing the guardian." Journal Entry 80 A few days after that, Stage three will begin. We have taken the pieces of the dragon orb tht the kender shattered and have placed them in strategic spots all around sanction. Raistlin's reseaches has determined that, under the right conditions, e ven a piece of the dragon orb can act as a poerful lure for dragons. Furthermore, each piece can be tuned to a particular type of dragon. He has een lost to us since the War, but his dark elf assistant has managed to create a spell out of Raistln's notes. With our captured Dragonlances. We will destroy all the good dragons that remain in Krynn and our final victory will then be assured. Journal Entry 81 SEE MAP FOR ENTRY 81 Journal Entry 82 "So! At last, you've come to rescue me. You know these things are quite clever. Not clever enouh for me of course I've just been improving them somewhat. Oh dear. I do hope you didn't come throug from the North...oh, sorry. "I suppose you'll be wanting to get me out of here now. Oh, there are more people back there. Srangbourn is around here somewhere. He's looking for Caramon. Oh, you want to find him, well that's an interesting story, you see when we first got together two weks ago... Uh, I can help, you know. Caramon was taken somewhere south of here. I've been trying to reset raps in case more draconians and hobgoblins get here. "Why don't we team up, Ok?" Journal Entry 83 "... the minotaurs have refused to come to our aid. They are touchy beasts and I'm afraid that ur emissary was less than diplomatic. We will attempt to contact them again but don't count on havin their..." The fragment ends. Journal Entry 84 "... we have contacted the minotaurs. They will help us. I must go to Gargath. It is rumored tht there is a dragonlance stored there. We must secure the keep and find the treasure room that is hiden there. The map of the keep shows the places where w e believe the secret door may be located. Giv the maps to your officers and ..." The fragment ends. Journal Entry 85 "The cavernous maw of the great beast is used as an entrance to the temple. The dragon's head i being artificially preserved through magic. We need the dragon's fangs in order to complete our spel. If they can be brought to us we can prevent draconia ns from ever ..." Journal Entry 86 SEE MAP ENTRY 86 Journal Entry 87 "I am Angar, one of the real guards of the outpost. We were overrun about a week ago by draconan army. I was coming in from a patrol when I saw them taking over. They were everywhere ..." He slumps down on the bed. You notice that he desperately needs food and rest, but he waves offyour help and continues his story, "I hid and they missed me, but they captured most of the other guards. They are being held in te outpost jail. Also, they're guarding the north side of town heavily. I think they might might havehostages there too." Journal Entry 88 "Just before the Temple of Duerghast was closed, dead bodies were seen being carried into he arena in the Temple's northwest corner. There were hundreds of them. It has been discovered that he Death Knight, Sir Lebaum, has taken over the Temple and has gathered together the exhumed dead fo miles around. "There is no way that you can get into the temple through the front gates. You must get the Shaowpeople's support. They have tunnels that cross from the Temple of Hueryzd to the Temple of Duerghat." She pulls out an amulet. "This amulet will let you through a secret door. The Shadowpeople will find you once you X-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-X Another file downloaded from: The NIRVANAnet(tm) Seven & the Temple of the Screaming Electron Taipan Enigma 510/935-5845 Burn This Flag Zardoz 408/363-9766 realitycheck Poindexter Fortran 510/527-1662 Lies Unlimited Mick Freen 801/278-2699 The New Dork Sublime Biffnix 415/864-DORK The Shrine Rif Raf 206/794-6674 Planet Mirth Simon Jester 510/786-6560 "Raw Data for Raw Nerves" X-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-X