View: leeching doe  s not pay @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ "LEECHING DOES NOT PAY" @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ It started one day with a brillant idea; you'll set up a catsend with nothing to fear. You'll sit there and wait for the phone to ring; an hour has passed by and still not a thing. Finally you hear it a faint ding-a-ling; your first user's here his name is The wing. And so it goes on all the way to one hundred; you find this catsend business not a bit repugnant. Now that your line is on its way; you soon shall learn that Leeching does not pay! It happens at night while no ones around; he'll call up your number and look what he's found. Two drives full of wares to download all night; no one else will logon oh what a fright! The leech is a person who'll suck your drives dry; he'll make your catsend want to curl up and die. You discover this rodent this horrible beast; and delete him immediately from you leest. In time you'll see it does not matter to try; for if someone is a true leech they can not die. He'll call back again a new name freshly thought up; weather it be Joe pirate or Dr.Giddiup. He'll get a new password maybe even two; all the leech wants is to bother you. You threaten and yell, losing your self control; on you leeching has taken it's toll. You beg them to upload just one or two games; or you'll make up a list of all bad names. Him being a leech you'll make number one; oh revenge isnt it fun? But please dont waist your very precious time; for the other sysops will say "the problem is not mine" Or so they think untill that dreaded day; when the leeches call their line and begin to play. The problem spreads so far and wide; no catsend is safe don't bother to hide. There is only one way to get rid of the leech; that is if the users practice what they preach. So heed this warning all you future sysops; to start a catsend is not really tops. And one last word to the users of today; just remember that "LEECHING DOES NOT PAY"!!!!!!! Written by, The Knight Note:No names are used purposely. If yours is here it is by sheer coincidence. CAll these awesome boards....... Smuggler's Revenge 10Meg!! Ae/Catsend/Catfur---------------------(617)-581-5728 Oil Field 10Meg Catsend------------------------------------------(313)-644-5422 Brought to you by.. D.A.T.A. --------