RESCUE ON FRACTALUS (Arcade) Compatible: 64K Apple II+, IIe, IIc Requirements: One disk drive, KB and joystick input Things have been pretty hairy in this sector. Too many good space pilots, even a few aces, have had to ditch on an enemy infested rock called "Fractalus". Now it's up to you, one of the few air flyers still attached to Ether Corps: fight your way through to the downed ships and bring back those spacers! It's not nice on Fractalus. Suicide saucers are a constant menace, laser batteries dot every ridge, and the terrain is one mountain after another. Force shields and anti-matter torpedos help the odds; but the higher your quota of rescues, the less space remains for anything else, including fuel. (Fortunately, rescued pilots bring along fuel cannisters from their ships.) As always, the tougher the mission, the higher the payoff, including boosts in rank and chance to place among the "Top Ten". Moderately paced yet very challenging at the higher levels, "Rescue on Fractalus" trades speed and smoothness for an apparently endless (fractal generated) landscape and decent perspective effects. If you're ready for 'flight sim with guns', put this one on your list. Available from EPYX: 1043 Kiel Court, Sunnyvale, CA 94089. (408) 745-0700. $34.95 GRFX S.M. PLAY DIFF INTR GAME ---------------------------------- 07 07 07 07 07 07